
Here is a look inside my life... I have given up my life so that through me there might be LIFE... sounds confusing huh... This is a look at the life of sheldon, one who has been and is being transformed by the life and love of Jesus.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Last night was cool. I was working on an essay for my writting class and my mom calls me. She was going to visit a neighbor lady who's father died. The thing is she couldnt go to his funeral because he died in mexico and it would be hard for her to come back to america after visiting mexico. So we went to her house and gave her flowers and prayed with her as is customary.

Use the death of San Juana's father to bring new LIFE to her and her family. May her joy be in the hope that is in Jesus.

So that was something that was good for me. I dont think i do nearly enough of that.... administering love, suport, and just hope to those around me.... In my experience I have only ever found true love in Christ, real hope in Christ, and eternal joy in Christ.


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