
Here is a look inside my life... I have given up my life so that through me there might be LIFE... sounds confusing huh... This is a look at the life of sheldon, one who has been and is being transformed by the life and love of Jesus.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sounds like Good News

I feel like God has given me so much oppertunity and so many talents... but I feel like i have not been useing much of what God has given me. God has given me many abilities but more than anything He has given me a message. Like an angel sent from God I have been given the message to speak the Word: hope to the weary, peace to the broken, love to the un-lovely, and forgiveness to all.

Jesus is the Word. In Him there is hope. In Him there is peace/ unity/ wholeness. Jesus is Love and because of His death there is forgivenss so that we are able to love and Worship our Maker and love those which He made.

Even for my shortcommings in forgetting this Good News there is Grace.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oh yeah...

oh man... today i've been feeling it. Yesterday i started biking again. I finnally got around to changing my axel and putting on the rear wheel to my bike. So yeah. I realized the winter took me all the way back to the beging. all the endurece i built up from biking everwhere last summer and fall is gone. i felt like a little girl (not ment to be sexist but i'd like to see a little girl ride a bike like mine) my whole body hurts... and i'm thristy all the time.

tonight is Venture Club. I get to hang out with kids that are 10-13 years old and talk about Jesus. I'm hype because i get to choose music.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Case of the Moon-days? I think not!

Today was a surprisingly good day. Waking up was a little difficult. I try to get between 6:30 and 7:00 but today i got up around7:20. Just enough time to through on some clothing and head to class. I guess i was awake since 7:00 but i didnt get out of bed. it was cold and the covers were warm. its all about taking the first step in the morning. ITS SO HARD.

anyways I handed in my Wal-Mart Report today and had class. And work went very fast. I think that means i acctually enjoy my job.

I had super with my mom and dad at their house and now i'm using their computer to "blog journal".

soon i'll leave to pick up Jessica to go to MOR (ministry of Reconcilation). Its a place where christian young adults from differnent churchs meet together and worship God, speak His Word, and Pray and Interses for the needs at hand. We want to see a movement of the young people in Reading. (movement: a call of repentance and restoration through the Grace of Jesus providing them hearts of worship and prayer.) *my definition

So that pretty much completes my evening.

I'm hype

Friday, March 03, 2006


What a day. Work was certainly busy and thats good. Busy is stressful but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Gail left for Costa Rica yesterday. She should be there by now. I'm excited for her, I know she would talk about her time in Costa Rica last spring break.

I got to spend a wonderful tuesday night with Gail down at Eastern University. We just hung out. Watched Little Briton. Drank Hot Chocolate and played checkers. I got to talk with Abe. He is intrested in moving into Reading with me. My house is so big and i'd love to have more people around.

alright. i need to leave to jeremy's house. We are going to the cabin with our highschool friends.... I'm Hype