
Here is a look inside my life... I have given up my life so that through me there might be LIFE... sounds confusing huh... This is a look at the life of sheldon, one who has been and is being transformed by the life and love of Jesus.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I've got some good news.... and I've got some... Good News

Well... my last entry talked about writing.... this morning I got my paper back. I got an A-. I was hype... You smart people are probably used to it. But when my teacher said that 4 people in the class were going to have to rewrite there essays, I knew I was one of those 4....but I wasnt.
This past weekend I went to the Cabin with the boys (Jeremy Horning, Josh Brubaker, Tyler Yoder, and Brandon Leaman. We went out on the roof of the cabin on Saturday night and watched the stars. We saw 3 amazing shooting stars!

Today we had a prayer meeting at my church. There are few things scarier than a church that prays. When people join themselves, before God, asking for his kingdom to come, things begin to change. Prayer connects the natural world, we see with our human eyes, with the Super Natural world, which we see with our hearts. It makes me think about Adam and Eve before we screwed up… Their eyes were opened.... to what? To the "natural"... to what many people call "reality". Adam's post-sin reality was full of fear, and and trying to "cover up" their nakedness.

Now, because of Jesus’ payment for sin, we can come before God, no longer naked but instead clothed with the blood of Jesus. And the devil shakes in his shoes, because his reign has come to an end.

If I am to live in Your spiritual kingdom give me eyes to see where I am going.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Writting... Class... Whoot?

I started my class at RACC (Reading Area Community College). I'm taking English Composition. I see it being a very useful class, if I ever want to communicate what is in my mind and put it on paper. I am still not sure how I graduated high school.

In high school I never put a whole lot of stress on my school work.... until a night or two before the big paper was due. I had a problem just begining to write, I didn't know how to start. This class is helping me to break writting papers down into bite size chunks....Easier to chew and digest.

Communication is a gift... I and I want to be able to communicate clearly so that others might be able to understand my love, hope, joy and even my frustrations.

YEAH---sorry for the lame post about writting....